
DeNA Monozukuri

For DeNA monozukuri we most value Delight.
We focus on creating products that deliver new value and customer experiences, and most of all value providing surprise and delight to people around the world.
Here we share our thinking that supports our monozukuri.

Designers and Engineers Join Upstream

To form services and products to delight people and make their lives richer, it's essential to have a variety of skill sets join upstream including not just business but also designers and engineers.

At DeNA everyone joins in service development in the initial stages and share their basic assumptions, such as the user needs. The designers and engineers who will actually build the service gain a deep understanding of those needs and can bring them to fruition.
By having people with a variety of professional backgrounds join upstream each can share their thoughts and polish the product from a variety of angles.

Expert Organization Filled with UX Professionals

From 2019 we have established the Experience Strategy Office, a professional organization specializing in UX to better clarify our product value.
In this office we have a gathering of UX professionals with human centered design (HCD)* qualifications, and they work with new business leads and product managers.

HCD is a design approach for products and services that emphasizes user (human) ease-of-use.


Deliver Quality

People expect high quality, and we aim to provide that high level of expected quality for all our services, including making sure there are no bugs, the service doesn't drop, and that it is safe.
To ensure this we have a variety of professionals in design and product as well as infrastructure, security, quality management, and customer support in house, and do not solely rely on external contractors. These diverse professionals communicate closely to coordinate and improve in an agile and seamless way to deliver the expected high level of quality.

Share Our Narrative and Foster Community

School events and parties, work project successes, friends' weddings...
Many of the important, moving moments in a person's life are born from shared experiences with the people around you and through deepening relationships.
In much the same way, moving moments for users are also born from shared experiences and communication with other users, and through deepened relationships with the live operations team.
To continue providing these moving moments, the live operations team has to constantly work to grow the service and maintain the appeal.

What is important is the shared story between the live operations team and the users, and the fostering of the community together. We aim to provide experiences that have a narrative and encourage users to form a bond and feel that a place is their own.


Ways to Keep Users Enjoying Services

If the goal is to encourage users to continue using a health management app, then you won't get very far if users are simply there because they feel they have to for their health.
We use our Game Business knowhow to incorporate gamification into the service so people can enjoy it.

We use our data analytics, rapid PDCA, and large-scale system operations knowhow built up over the twenty plus years of our company to create mechanisms to move users in a positive direction and grow our services every day.


Leverage AI to Provide Delight

DeNA's vision is to be the world's premier provider of AI technology to delight people everywhere and make the world a better place.

DeNA boasts many AI technology specialists, including accomplished Kagglers, with high-level expertise in video processing, speech generation, reinforcement learning, and natural language processing among other fields. These AI specialists work together with many others, including engineers who support our machine learning foundation, designers who design and visualize information, and analysts who connect business and data. All these people come together to form one team that is dedicated to monozukuri, and we maintain this principle from the initial AI technology testing to system development and service live operations.

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